-module(movie_server). -behaviour(gen_server). %% API -export([start_link/0, stop/0]). -export([create_account/1, delete_account/1, rent_dvd/2, return_dvd/2, ask_for_popcorn/0, available_movies/0]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -type name() :: atom(). -type movie() :: atom(). -type password() :: pos_integer(). -record(state, {users :: ets:tid(), movies :: ets:tid(), next_pass :: password()}). -define(MOVIES, [{mary_poppins,3}, {finding_nemo,2}, {despicable_me,3}, {toy_story,5}, {the_lion_king,2}, {peter_pan,1}]). %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% API %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). stop() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, stop). -spec create_account(name()) -> password(). create_account(Name) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {new_account, Name}). -spec delete_account(password()) -> 'not_a_client' | 'account_deleted' | 'return_movies_first'. delete_account(Password) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {delete_account, Password}). -spec rent_dvd(password(), movie()) -> [movie()] | 'not_a_client'. rent_dvd(Password, Movie) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {rent, Password, Movie}). -spec return_dvd(password(), movie()) -> [movie()] | 'not_a_client'. return_dvd(Password, Movie) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {return, Password, Movie}). -spec ask_for_popcorn() -> 'bon_appetit'. ask_for_popcorn() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, popcorn). available_movies() -> ?MOVIES. %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Gen_server callbacks %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- init([]) -> Tid = ets:new(movies, []), ets:insert(Tid, ?MOVIES), {ok, #state{users = ets:new(users, []), movies = Tid, next_pass = 1}}. handle_call({new_account,Name}, _From, S) -> #state{users = Tab, next_pass = Pass} = S, ets:insert(Tab, {Pass,Name,[]}), {reply, Pass, S#state{next_pass = Pass + 1}}; handle_call({delete_account,Pass}, _From, S) -> #state{users = Tab} = S, Reply = case ets:lookup(Tab, Pass) of [] -> not_a_client; [{_,_,[]}] -> ets:delete(Tab, Pass), account_deleted; [{_,_,_}] -> return_movies_first end, {reply, Reply, S}; handle_call({rent,Pass,Movie}, _From, S) -> #state{users = Users, movies = Movies} = S, Reply = case ets:lookup(Users, Pass) of [] -> not_a_client; [{_,_,Rented}] -> case ets:lookup(Movies, Movie) of [] -> Rented; [{_,0}] -> Rented; [{_,N}] -> NewRented = [Movie|Rented], ets:update_element(Users, Pass, {3,NewRented}), ets:update_element(Movies, Movie, {2,N-1}), NewRented end end, {reply, Reply, S}; handle_call({return,Pass,Movie}, _From, S) -> #state{users = Users, movies = Movies} = S, Reply = case ets:lookup(Users, Pass) of [] -> not_a_client; [{_,_,Rented}] -> %% NewRented = lists:delete(Movie, Rented), %% ets:update_element(Users, Pass, {3,NewRented}), %% N = ets:lookup_element(Movies, Movie, 2), %% ets:update_element(Movies, Movie, {2,N+1}), %% NewRented case ets:lookup(Movies, Movie) of [] -> Rented; [{_,N}] -> NewRented = lists:delete(Movie, Rented), ets:update_element(Users, Pass, {3,NewRented}), ets:update_element(Movies, Movie, {2,N+1}), NewRented end end, {reply, Reply, S}; handle_call(popcorn, _From, S) -> {reply, bon_appetit, S}; handle_call(stop, _From, S) -> {stop, normal, stopped, S}. terminate(_Reason, #state{users = Tab1, movies = Tab2}) -> ets:delete(Tab1), ets:delete(Tab2), ok. handle_cast(_Msg, S) -> {noreply, S}. handle_info(_Info, S) -> {noreply, S}. code_change(_OldVsn, S, _Extra) -> {ok, S}.