-module(food_fsm). -behaviour(gen_fsm). -include_lib("proper/include/proper.hrl"). -export([start/1, stop/0, hungry/0, buy/2, new_day/1]). -export([init/1, handle_sync_event/4, terminate/3, handle_event/3, handle_info/3, code_change/4]). -export([cheese_day/2, lettuce_day/2, grapes_day/2]). -export([cheese_day/3, lettuce_day/3, grapes_day/3]). -export([initial_state/0, initial_state_data/0, precondition/4, postcondition/5, next_state_data/5, weight/3]). -export([cheese_day/1, lettuce_day/1, grapes_day/1]). -type day() :: 'cheese_day' | 'lettuce_day' | 'grapes_day'. -type food() :: 'cheese' | 'lettuce' | 'grapes'. -type food_left() :: 'cheese_left' | 'lettuce_left' | 'grapes_left'. -type quantity() :: non_neg_integer(). -record(storage, {cheese = 5 :: quantity(), lettuce = 5 :: quantity(), grapes = 5 :: quantity()}). %%%=========================================================================== %%% API %%%=========================================================================== -spec start(day()) -> {'ok', pid()} | {'error', {'already_started', pid()}}. start(Day) -> gen_fsm:start({local, creature}, ?MODULE, [Day], []). stop() -> gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(creature, stop). -spec hungry() -> {food_left(), quantity()}. hungry() -> gen_fsm:sync_send_event(creature, eat). -spec buy(food(), quantity()) -> 'ok'. buy(Food, Quantity) -> gen_fsm:send_event(creature, {store, Food, Quantity}). -spec new_day(food()) -> 'ok'. new_day(Food) -> gen_fsm:send_event(creature, {new_day, Food}). %%%=========================================================================== %%% gen_fsm callbacks %%%=========================================================================== init([Day]) -> {ok, Day, #storage{}}. cheese_day(eat, Caller, #storage{cheese = Cheese} = S) -> gen_fsm:reply(Caller, {cheese_left, Cheese}), case Cheese > 0 of true -> {next_state, cheese_day, S#storage{cheese = Cheese - 1}}; false -> {next_state, cheese_day, S} end. cheese_day({store, Food, Quantity}, S) -> case Food of cheese -> {next_state, cheese_day, S#storage{cheese = S#storage.cheese + Quantity}}; lettuce -> {next_state, cheese_day, S#storage{lettuce = S#storage.lettuce + Quantity}}; grapes -> {next_state, cheese_day, S#storage{grapes = S#storage.grapes + Quantity}} end; cheese_day({new_day, lettuce}, S) -> {next_state, lettuce_day, S}; cheese_day({new_day, grapes}, S) -> {next_state, grapes_day, S}. lettuce_day(eat, Caller, #storage{lettuce = Lettuce} = S) -> gen_fsm:reply(Caller, {lettuce_left, Lettuce}), case Lettuce > 0 of true -> {next_state, lettuce_day, S#storage{lettuce = Lettuce - 1}}; false -> {next_state, lettuce_day, S} end. lettuce_day({store, Food, Quantity}, S) -> case Food of cheese -> {next_state, lettuce_day, S#storage{cheese = S#storage.cheese + Quantity}}; lettuce -> {next_state, lettuce_day, S#storage{lettuce=S#storage.lettuce + Quantity}}; grapes -> {next_state, lettuce_day, S#storage{grapes = S#storage.grapes + Quantity}} end; lettuce_day({new_day, cheese}, S) -> {next_state, cheese_day, S}; lettuce_day({new_day, grapes}, S) -> {next_state, grapes_day, S}. grapes_day(eat, Caller, #storage{grapes = Grapes} = S) -> gen_fsm:reply(Caller, {grapes_left, Grapes}), case Grapes > 0 of true -> {next_state, grapes_day, S#storage{grapes = Grapes - 1}}; false -> {next_state, grapes_day, S} end. grapes_day({store, Food, Quantity}, S) -> case Food of cheese -> {next_state, grapes_day, S#storage{cheese = S#storage.cheese + Quantity}}; lettuce -> {next_state, grapes_day, S#storage{lettuce = S#storage.lettuce + Quantity}}; grapes -> {next_state, grapes_day, S#storage{grapes = S#storage.grapes + Quantity}} end; grapes_day({new_day, cheese}, S) -> {next_state, cheese_day, S}; grapes_day({new_day, lettuce}, S) -> {next_state, lettuce_day, S}. handle_sync_event(stop, _From, _StateName, _StateData) -> {stop, normal, ok, []}. terminate(_Reason, _StateName, _StateData) -> ok. handle_event(_Event, StateName, StateData) -> {next_state, StateName, StateData}. handle_info(_Info, StateName, StateData) -> {next_state, StateName, StateData}. code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, StateData, _Extra) -> {ok, StateName, StateData}. %%%=========================================================================== %%% PropEr Fsm specification %%%=========================================================================== cheese_day(S) -> store_transition() ++ eat_transition(S#storage.cheese) ++ [{grapes_day, {call,?MODULE,new_day,[grapes]}}, {lettuce_day, {call,?MODULE,new_day,[lettuce]}}]. lettuce_day(S) -> store_transition() ++ eat_transition(S#storage.lettuce) ++ [{grapes_day, {call,?MODULE,new_day,[grapes]}}, {cheese_day, {call,?MODULE,new_day,[cheese]}}]. grapes_day(S) -> store_transition() ++ eat_transition(S#storage.lettuce) ++ [{lettuce_day, {call,?MODULE,new_day,[lettuce]}}, {cheese_day, {call,?MODULE,new_day,[cheese]}}]. food() -> oneof([cheese, lettuce, grapes]). quantity() -> ?SUCHTHATMAYBE(I, pos_integer(), I < 5). store_transition() -> [{history, {call,?MODULE,buy,[food(), quantity()]}}]. eat_transition(Food_left) -> [{history, {call,?MODULE,hungry,[]}} || Food_left > 0]. %% [{history, {call,?MODULE,hungry,[]}}]. initial_state() -> cheese_day. initial_state_data() -> #storage{}. next_state_data(_, _, S, _, {call,_,buy,[Food, Quantity]}) -> case Food of cheese -> S#storage{cheese = S#storage.cheese + Quantity}; lettuce -> S#storage{lettuce = S#storage.lettuce + Quantity}; grapes -> S#storage{grapes = S#storage.grapes + Quantity} end; next_state_data(Today, _, S, _, {call,_,hungry,[]}) -> case Today of cheese_day -> S#storage{cheese = S#storage.cheese - 1}; lettuce_day -> S#storage{lettuce = S#storage.lettuce - 1}; grapes_day -> S#storage{grapes = S#storage.grapes - 1} end; next_state_data(_From, _Target, StateData, _Result, {call,_,_,_}) -> StateData. precondition(Today, _, S, {call,_,hungry,[]}) -> case Today of cheese_day -> S#storage.cheese > 0; lettuce_day -> S#storage.lettuce > 0; grapes_day -> S#storage.grapes > 0 end; precondition(Day, Day, _, {call,_,new_day,_}) -> false; precondition(_, grapes_day, _, {call,_,new_day,[grapes]}) -> true; precondition(_, cheese_day, _, {call,_,new_day,[cheese]}) -> true; precondition(_, lettuce_day, _, {call,_,new_day,[lettuce]}) -> true; precondition(_, _, _, {call,_,new_day,_}) -> false; precondition(_From, _Target, _StateData, {call,_,_,_}) -> true. postcondition(cheese_day, _, S, {call,_,hungry,[]}, Result) -> Cheese = S#storage.cheese, Cheese > 0 andalso Result =:= {cheese_left, Cheese}; postcondition(lettuce_day, _, S, {call,_,hungry,[]}, Result) -> Lettuce = S#storage.lettuce, Lettuce > 0 andalso Result =:= {lettuce_left, Lettuce}; postcondition(grapes_day, _, S, {call,_,hungry,[]}, Result) -> Grapes = S#storage.grapes, Grapes > 0 andalso Result =:= {grapes_left, Grapes}; postcondition(_From, _Target, _StateData, {call,_,_,_}, Result) -> Result =:= ok. weight(_Today, _Tomorrow, {call,_,new_day,_}) -> 1; weight(_Today, _Today, {call,_,hungry,_}) -> 3; weight(_Today, _Today, {call,_,buy,_}) -> 2. prop_doesnt_run_out_of_supplies() -> ?FORALL(Cmds, proper_fsm:commands(?MODULE), begin start(cheese_day), %% could also be grapes_day or lettuce_day, %% but the same kind of day should be used %% to initialize the model state {History, State, Result} = proper_fsm:run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds), stop(), ?WHENFAIL( io:format("History: ~w~nState: ~w~nResult: ~w~n", [History, State, Result]), aggregate(zip(proper_fsm:state_names(History), command_names(Cmds)), Result =:= ok)) end).